Jika kalian ga' ingin baca online silahkan bisa di download algoritmanya disini yang di dalamnya juga terdapat berbagai macam kondisi F2L. Jadi file tersebut mulai dari membuat Cross, F2L, OLL dan PLL
Corners Correct, Edges Flipped
These are easy to recognize because all four corners are correctly oriented. To distinguish between cases, simply check to see whether all four edges need to be flipped, or if only two need to be flipped, check to see whether they are opposite or adjacent of each other.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
01 | 1.300 | (M' U M) U2 (M' U M) | The middle slices should be done with the left ring finger for M' and the left thumb for M. The (M' U M) group may take some getting used to. | slow fast | |
02 | 1.200 | (R U R' U') (M' U R U') Rw' | There's nothing too fancy here. The finger tricks used are pretty common. I do the slice turn as M' now because I think it's a little faster that way. | slow fast (old) | |
03 | 1.967 | r' (R U) (R U R' U' Rw2) (R'2 U) (R U') Rw' | Again, I use the slice as Rw2 R'w because it flows a little nicer. This is the least common OLL case (1/216). The finger tricks here are pretty simple. | slow fast |
All Edges Flipped Correctly
Recognition for these cases is extremely easy because they each have a yellow "cross" already solved. If three corners need to be twisted, bring the oriented corner to the front so that the other corner in the front has a yellow sticker on the front side. If two corners are twisted, you can tell which case is given by seeing only one of them. This set of cases is perhaps (along with the previous three cases) the easiest set to recognize and distinguish. Recently, I started using COLL, which orients AND permutes the corners, so 1/12 of the time you will be left with a solved cube and the other 11/12 of the time you will be left with an easy (fast) cycle of edges.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
04 | 1.600 | (R'2 D) (R' U2) (R D') (R' U2 R') | This is one of the most awkward OLLs with all correctly flipped edges. It's still pretty fast, though. | slow fast | |
05 | 1.133 | (Lw' U') (L U) (R U') (Rw' F) | This one is pretty fast. The only problem is that you have to alternate hands a couple times. | slow fast | |
06 | 0.800 | (R' F) (R B') (R' F') (R B) | This algorithm is ridiculously fast. Hold your thumb on the bottom of the cube and left middle finger holding the S layer on the upper face. It helps to use your wrist of your left hand to assist in some of the turns. | slow fast | |
07 | 0.867 | (R U R' U) (R U'2 R') | This is the Sune. Your right hand should never come off of the cube during the execution at any time. | slow fast | |
08 | 1.000 | (L' U' L U') (L' U2 L) | This is just the mirror of the Sune, called the Anti-Sune. | slow fast | |
09 | 1.700 | (R U'2) (R'2 U') (R2 U') (R'2 U'2 R) | The execution of this algorithm is pretty neat. There is a FSC for it called The Air Jeff that Macky can perform in what appears to be about a second. The R2 turns should alternate in direction so that they can be performed by the right hand without letting go of the cube. The left hand holds the cube and makes the U' turns. | slow fast | |
10 | 1.700 | F (R U R' U') (R U R' U') (R U R' U') F' | This is a very easy case. This algorithm has the same finger trick three times in a row. | slow fast |
No Edges Flipped Correctly
There are four types of cases here. If nothing on the top is yellow except the center, bring the yellow bar of 3 stickers to the left side and perform the algorithm. If there is only a yellow dot on the upper face, choose your algorithm based on the number of yellow stickers to the left of the dot on the side face. If there are two dots on the upper face, check to see whether there is a bar of three stickers on one of the sides. If there is, put that bar on the back face. Otherwise, bring the two dots to the back of the cube and perform the algorithm. If there are three dots on the top of the cube (a staircase), AUF so that the staircase matches the diagram below and so that there is only a single yellow sticker on the front face.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
11 | 1.833 | Fw (R U R' U') Fw' U' F (R U R' U') F' | This is a clever combination of the two fastest OLL algs. | slow fast (old) | |
12 | 1.967 | Fw (R U R' U') Fw' U F (R U R' U') F' | This is another combination of the two fastest OLL algs. | slow fast (old) | |
13 | 2.033 | (R U R' U) (R' F R F') U2 (R' F R F') | This one is very fast. Each of the three triggers should be lightning fast. | slow fast | |
14 | 2.500 | (R' U2) F (R U R' U') y' (R'2 U2) (R B) | The two triggers after the rotation can be kind of awkward because you have to reach around the cube to grab for the R'2 and the (R B) is just hard to do. | slow fast | |
15 | 2.333 | F (R U R' U) y' (R' U2) (R' F R F') | Here, the R' U2 is much easier to do than in Case #14 and each of the other two triggers are also fast, so this algorithm should be somewhat quick. | slow fast | |
16 | 1.433 | F (R U R' U') S (R U R' U') Fw' | This algorithm is just the easy T-orientation followed by the easy d-orientation. The S can take a little getting used to. | slow fast | |
17 | 2.233 | (R U) B' (Lw U [Lw' R'] U') (R' F R F') | The middle trigger looks pretty cool if it's done correctly. If done correctly, the last layer should still wind up on top at the end of it. | slow fast |
"T" shapes
Distinguish among the T's by the number of yellow stickers on the front face.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
18 | 0.833 | (R U R' U') (R' F R F') | This orientation makes up the second half of the Y-permutation. Both triggers are lightning fast, so this should easily be sub-1 second. | slow fast | |
19 | 0.600 | F (R U R' U') F' | This is the quickest and shortest OLL case. I use the left index for the U' and the right thumb for the F'. | slow fast |
"P" Shapes
Distinguish among the b's and d's by looking at the side opposite the solved letter and checking to see whether there is one or three yellow stickers.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
20 | 0.933 | Fw (R U R' U') Fw' | This is very similar to #19 except with a double layer turn instead of just F. | slow fast | |
21 | 0.900 | Fw' (L' U' L U) Fw | This is just the mirror of Case #20. | slow fast | |
22 | 1.433 | (R Dw) (L' Dw') (R' U) (Lw U Lw') | There should be a nice balance between both hands in performing this algorithm. | slow fast | |
23 | 1.600 | (L' Dw') (R Dw) (L U') (Rw' U' Rw) | This is just the mirror of Case #22. | slow fast |
"W" Shapes
The upper face should show an "M" and there will be only one sticker on the front face when you start the algorithm.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
24 | 1.667 | (R U R' U) (R U' R' U') (R' F R F') | There's nothing difficult about any of these three triggers. | slow fast | |
25 | 1.700 | (L' U' L U') (L' U L U) (L F' L' F) | This is just the mirror of Case #24. | slow fast |
"L" shapes
If there is a bar of three yellow stickers on any side, bring that bar to the left side of the cube. Then, based on the number of stickers on the side opposite the little L (front or back), decide which case you have. If there is no bar of three yellow stickers, put the bar of two yellow stickers in the front of the cube and perform the appropriate algorithm.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
26 | 1.933 | (Rw U) (R' U) (R U') (R' U) (R U'2 Rw') | The left hand only holds the cube while the right does everything else. | slow fast | |
27 | 1.800 | (Rw' U') (R U') (R' U) (R U') (R' U2 Rw) | This is similar to Case #26, but the first U' is done with the left index finger. | slow fast | |
28 | 2.167 | (R B' R B R'2) U2 (F R' F' R) | Use the right hand to do the first set of moves all in one motion. The second trigger should be very fast. | slow fast | |
29 | 2.267 | (R' F R' F' R2) U2 y (R' F R F') | This algorithm is very similar to Case #28 with an added cube rotation to make the second trigger easier to perform. | slow fast | |
30 | 1.000 | F (R U R' U') (R U R' U') F' | This is just the easy T-orientation performed twice in a row. | slow fast | |
31 | 1.300 | F' (L' U' L U) (L' U' L U) F | This is just the mirror of Case #30. | slow fast |
Big Lightning Bolts
AUF so that the left and right edges are oriented and so that there are two yellow stickers on the front of the cube.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
32 | 1.900 | (R B') (R' U' R U) y (R U') F' | The right thumb gets a lot of work done at the end of this algorithm. The first trigger can be a little tricky if you don't grip the cube properly. | slow fast | |
33 | 2.733 | (L' B) (L U L' U') y' (L' U) F | This is just the mirror of Case #32. | slow fast |
"C" Shapes
Decide on the algorithm based on whether the back has one or three yellow stickers.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
34 | 1.533 | (R U R'2 U') (R' F) (R U) (R U') F' | This case is FAST! it takes a little while to get used to the R'2 not being just R', but the algorithm flows very nicely. I make the last F' turn with my thumb. | slow fast | |
35 | 1.767 | B' (R' U' R) y (R U') (R' U2 R) | There's nothing fancy here. All the triggers are fast and easy to perform. | slow fast |
Bring the square to the front-left of the cube and look at the front. One case has a yellow sticker in the front and the other does not.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
36 | 1.333 | B' (R'2 F) (R F' R B) | This one looks pretty cool. The second half is very similar to the moves in Case #06. | slow fast | |
37 | 1.533 | (Lw U2) (L' U' L U' Lw') | The left hand does quite a bit of work on this one. | slow fast |
Small Lightning Bolts
Line up the lightning bolt so that it is vertical with a front edge oriented. Then, based on whether the front sticker adjacent to the oriented front edge on the same side as the lightning bolt itself is yellow or not, choose the appropriate algorithm.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
38 | 1.100 | (Lw U L' U) (L U'2 Lw') | This case is very similar to Case #37. | slow fast | |
39 | 1.767 | F (R U R' U') F' U F (R U R' U') F' | This is just the easy T-orientation performed twice with a cube rotation between them. | slow fast (old) | |
40 | 1.167 | (Rw' U' R U') (R' U2 Rw) | This is just the mirror of #38. | slow fast | |
41 | 2.300 | F' (L' U' L U) F U F (R U R' U') F' | This is just the mirror of #39, but slightly modified | slow fast (old) |
Fish Shapes
For these cases, distinguish among them based on whether there is a bar of two yellow stickers only in the front, only on the right, on the front and the right, or neither.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
42 | 1.000 | F (R U') (R' U' R U) (R' F') | This is one of the fastest orientations. It's the first half of the Y-permutation. The last six moves are EXTREMELY FAST (at least 10 tps). | slow fast | |
43 | 2.700 | (L U'2) (L'2 B) (L B' L U'2 L') | This algorithm takes a bit getting used to because there are so many changes in grip and changes in direction. | slow fast | |
44 | 1.467 | (L U L') yx (L' U) (L F') (L' U' L) | This is the only fish-shape case that I hold from a different angle. | slow (old) fast | |
45 | 1.700 | (R' U' R) y'x' (R U') (R' F) (R U R') | This is just the mirror of Case #44. | slow fast |
"I" Shapes
If there is a bar of three stickers, place it on the right side of the cube. If there is a second bar of three stickers, then you know which case you have immediately. If there is no bar of three stickers, then there is either a bar of two stickers or no bar of stickers at all.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
46 | 1.367 | Fw (R U R' U') (R U R' U') Fw' | This is just the easy d-orientation repeated twice. | slow fast | |
47 | 1.600 | (R U R' U R Dw') (R U' R' F') | The d' turn eliminates the need for a rotation, so this algorithm can be done very quickly. | slow fast | |
48 | 2.600 | F (R U R' U' R) y' (R' F) (R B') (R' F') | The second half of this algorithm is much like Case #06. | slow fast | |
49 | 3.100 | (R' U2) (R'2 U) (R' U) (R U'2) x' (U' R' U) | There are a lot of short triggers in this one, so you lose time due to regripping and reaching, but this algorithm can still be done at a reasonable speed. | slow fast |
"Knight Move" Shapes
Line up the cube so that the correctly oriented corner is in the back of the cube and the left and right edges are oriented. Decide on the case based on whether the bar of two yellow stickers on the front is on the same or opposite side of the correctly twisted corner.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
50 | 1.833 | x' (R U' R' F') (R U R') xy (R' U R) | This is fast. The rotation doesn't slow the algorithm down much at all. | slow fast | |
51 | 1.400 | (Rw U Rw') (R U R' U') (Rw U' Rw') | I like all three sets of moves in this algorithm. =) | slow fast | |
52 | 1.933 | x' (L' U L F) (L' U' L) xy' (L U' L') | This is just the mirror of Case #50. | slow fast | |
53 | 1.400 | (Lw' U' Lw) (L' U' L U) (Lw' U Lw) | This is just the mirror of Case #51. | slow fast |
The "Awkward" Shapes
Line up the lightning bolt vertically so that the dot is at the back of the cube and use the same method of recognition as the cases of lightning bolts without dots.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
54 | 2.167 | (R U') (R' U2) (R U) y (R U') (R' U' F') | This case looks difficult, but it's actually pretty easy and flows kind of nicely. | slow fast | |
55 | 1.933 | (R'2 U R' B') (R U') (R'2 U) (Lw U Lw') | After the first set of moves, everything picks up a bit and it's easy to finish the algorithm. | slow fast | |
56 | 3.167 | (L' U) (L U'2) (L' U') y' (L' U) (L U F) | This is just the mirror of Case #54. | slow fast | |
57 | 2.433 | (L2 U' L B) (L' U) (L2 U') (Rw' U' Rw) | This is just the mirror of Case #55. | slow fast |
Corners Only
In cases #01 and #02, I first AUF (adjust the U-face) until the "corner block" is permuted. By corner block, I mean that there is a corner and the two edges adjacent to it belong adjacent to it. Since this is very similar to case #18, i check to see that the two stickers next to the corner block are the same color (if they are not, then this is case #18). To distinguish between the two cases, I look at both sides of the corner block. I rotate the cube so that whichever of those sides shows the sticker of a corner that belongs opposite along the diagonal of where it is located. I use that as an indicator for which algorithm to use. For example, if there is a solved blue-red corner block, and the rightmost sticker on the red side is orange, then I know I have Case #01. Case #03 is obvious to recognize because there are no 1x1x2 (or larger) blocks. Thus, I just AUF to permute any edge (the other three will be permuted by default), and rotate the cube to match the diagram below.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
01 | 1.300 | (Lw' U R') D2 (R U' R') D2 R2 | This is a basic corner 3-cycle. It is one of my favorite and fastest algorithms. The algorithm is a lot simpler than it looks. | slow fast | |
02 | 1.533 | (Rw U' L) D2 (L' U L) D2 L2 | This is just the mirror of #01. | slow (old) fast | |
03 | 1.933 | x' (R U') (R' D) (R U R') Uw'2 (R' U) (R D) (R' U' R) | The last five turns are usually extremely fast. This is easy to recognize because other than algorithms #04 and #05, it is the only one that does not have any 1x1x2 blocks. | slow fast |
Edges Only
In these cases, I first AUF until the corners are all permuted. Cases #04 and #05 are very easy to recognize because there are no solved 1x1x3 blocks (hence, no solved faces). Noticing that two adjacent edges need to be swapped indicates to perform case #04 and if two opposite edges need to be swapped, the case is #05. I think it is important to be able to recognize Cases #06 and #07 from all angles and be able to execute them using any grip.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
04 | 1.800 | (M'2 U) (M'2 U) (M' U2) (M'2 U2) (M' U2) | This is a very fast algorithm that Gilles van den Peereboom showed me at WC2005. The last U2 is not necessary if you account for it before the algorithm. | slow fast | |
05 | 1.133 | (M'2 U) (M'2 U2) (M'2 U) M'2 | This is extremely easy to recognize and can be performed VERY quickly. The M'2 is actually performed as (M'M') with rapid pushing at the back face of the M layer with the middle and then ring fingers. Some people call this the "Bob Burton H-perm" because my discovery of this finger trick enabled me to perform this algorithm at insane speeds (at best under one second). | slow fast | |
06 | 1.300 | (R U' R U) (R U) (R U') (R' U' R2) | This is just a simple 3-edge cycle. It is almost as faster than the corner cycles. | slow fast | |
07 | 1.133 | (R2 U) (R U R' U') (R' U') (R' U R') | This is the inverse of #06. I place my hands slightly differently for this algorithm. | slow fast |
Swapping Two Adjacent Corners & Two Edges
For cases #08 and #09, I AUF to solve a face and then rotate the cube such that the solved face is in front. Then, it is easy to determine which of the two cases you have. Case #10 is unlike any other because it has two 1x1x2 blocks directly across from each other. I recognize it by first AUF such that the blocks are solved and then rotate the cube such that the blocks are on the left side. Cases #11 and #12 are a bit trickier than most other cases to recognize. I first AUF to solve the 1x1x2 block. Then, I rotate the cube so that the two unsolved corners are in the back and then determine which of the two cases I have. For case #13, first AUF to solve a face. Then, since the edge opposite that face is correct, it is immediately obvious that the cube must be rotated so that the solved face is at the back so that the algorithm can be performed.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
08 | 1.800 | (R' U L') U2 (R U' R') U2 ([L R] U') | This situation comes up somewhat often and is quite easy to recognize. I perform the R of the Ra a split second after I start the L so that I can immediately perform the U' when the L face has been moved to where it belongs. | slow fast | |
09 | 1.400 | (R U R' F') (R U R' U') (R' F) (R2 U') (R' U') | I have to thank Quinn Lewis for this alg. It rocks my world. It is the same as PLL #10 with the last four moves instead performed at the beginning. | slow fast | |
10 | 1.500 | (R U R' U') (R' F) (R2 U') (R' U' R U) (R' F') | This is the "T" permuation. It is long but definitely very fast and easy. It is also very easy to recognize. It can be performed in almost one swift motion without any readjusting of the fingers. Note that it is a combination of two easy orientations. | slow fast | |
11 | 1.767 | (R' U2) (R U2) (R' F R U R' U') (R' F' R2 U') | Quinn Lewis showed me an effective algorithm for this case that I have fallen in love with. It is about twice as fast as the algorithm I was previously using. | slow fast | |
12 | 1.867 | (L U'2) (L' U'2) (L F' L' U' L U) (L F L'2 U) | This is just the mirror of Case #11. | slow fast | |
13 | 2.533 | (R U') (R' U R'2) y (R U R' U' F' Dw) (R'2 F R F') | I am going to swith to Stefan Pochmann's algorith for this case. | slow fast |
Cycling Three Corners & Three Edges
Though these look the trickiest to recognize, they are actually quite simple. I first AUF to solve the 1x1x2 block. Then, I rotate the cube such that the two corners that share the same color on the same face are on the left side. Then, based on whether the block is at the back, front, far part of the right, or close part of the right, I know whether to apply #14, #15, #16, or #17, respectively.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
14 | 2.233 | (R'2 Uw' R U') (R U R' Uw R2) y (R U' R') | This is fairly easy to perform at high speeds, even though it looks the most confusing. Algorithms #14-#17 are all performed somewhat similarly because they have some overlapping moves. | slow fast | |
15 | 1.867 | (R'2 Uw) (R' U R' U' R Uw') R'2 y' (R' U R) | Ron showed me a nice modification to this algorithm to make it flow a lot nicer. It is quite easy to perform with a little practice. | slow fast | |
16 | 2.167 | (R' U' R) y (R'2 Uw R' U) (R U' R Uw' R'2) | This is the inverse of #15. Note how similar they look. I perform this one almost exactly the same way. | slow fast | |
17 | 2.100 | (R U R') y' (R'2 Uw' R U') (R' U R' Uw R2) | This is just the inverse of #14. I execute it very similarly because most of the moves overlap in the same manner. | slow fast |
Permutations Of Two Diagonal Corners & Two Edges
Case #18 is recognized in the same manner as #01 and #02, except both sides of the corner block will have the opposite color in the corners. Then, just rotate the cube to put the corner-block at the front-left side. In cases #19 and #20, there are two sets of 1x1x2 blocks where the blocks are opposite each other, but "offset" (ie - not directly across from each other). I first AUF to correctly place either of the two sets of blocks and then rotate the cube so that the ULB and URF corners are correctly placed. Then, depending on whether the two edges that need to be swapped from front to back or left to right, it is clear whether I have case #19 or #20. Finally, case #21. This is one of the easiest to recognize. First, AUF to correctly place the two perpendicular 1x1x2 blocks. Since no other PLL case has this, rotate the cube and perform the algorithm.
# | Diagram | Time | Algorithm | Comments | Video |
18 | 1.767 | (R' U R' Dw') x (Lw' U R' U') (Lw R U') (R' U R U) | I perform the x rotation as I finish the first group of moves. In the third group of moves, I start the R turn right after I start the l turn. | slow fast | |
19 | 2.700 | (R U') (R' U) (Lw U) (F U') (R' F') (R U' R U) (Lw' U R') | I got this algorith from Stefan Pochmann. It only took me a couple minutes to get used to it. | slow fast | |
20 | 3.033 | (L' U) (L U') (Rw' U') (F' U) (L F) (L' U L' U') (Rw U' L) | This alg blows. | slow fast | |
21 | 1.800 | (F R U') (R' U' R U) (R' F') (R U R' U') (R' F R F') | This is the "Y" permutation. It is very quick and can be performed without any adjustments of where the fingers are. It is just a combination of two quick orientations. | slow fast |
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